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We are a Christian family living on a small farm in Monetta SC. Old style collies have been a lifelong passion of mine. In addition to our collies, we are passionate about history, horses & the great outdoors, holistic health, and homeschooling. I am a stay-at-home mother in addition to running the farm. I am a certified dog trainer and pet nutritionist along with foundation preservationist member of the Old - Time Scotch Collie Asscociation. We started this journey through animal rescue in 2004 and rescued several thousand animals. We still occasionally take in rescue animals, however our main focus these days is raising amazing collie pups, pony foals, and training horses and matching them with their perfect forever family.
I have a long time love of collie dogs, historic living and education, horses, farming, etc. Growing up homeschooled allowed me to pursue these interests. As a child I had wanted a collie companion to take on my adventures for as long as I could remember. I loved the old books that told of almost human collie dogs (Click here for my recommended reading page). Then I discovered Toy Shelties in 2001 and acquired a tiny sheltie named Sima (Shee-ma is Gaelic meaning treasure).

After losing Sima to veterinary incompetence (and learning a lifelong lesson in questioning medical decisions) the next year I adopted a second tiny sheltie, a 12" female named Colina (Gaelic for victory). Colina and I discovered the world of dog agility together and she won 11 titles in competition, first with me, then with any family `member who wanted to run her. She would race through the course, looking back as if to say "I know how to do this, just tell me where to go human!"

In 2005 I began searching for my next agility dog and discovered that well-bred small shelties were hard to find. This was when I started considering breeding my own tiny shelties. So Sprightly A Little Night Music NA NAJ joined our family. Her daughter Sprightly Scarborough Fair NA NAJ OA OAJ CGC continued the family tradition winning five agility titles and one obedience title.

As an older teen and young college student I had AKC rough collies. I also continued to be involved in dog rescue training, rehabbing, and placing many hundreds of dogs. Through this I got to know many of the other herding dog breeds.
In 2014 I graduated college with a Bachelor of Arts, became a certified dog trainer, travelled New Zealand working on horse farms, and then came back to the States after realizing how truly special our country is. I met my future husband Nathan. I also finally discovered the dogs of lore - old style farm collies. I fell head over heels for them, having dreamt of such a dog all my life. I got my first breeding farm collie girl International Grand Prix Champion Windy Hills Bonnie TD CGC VE CL1-R RCN-A, and trained and competed her in agility, obedience, tricks, herding, and carting. Bonnie (out of coat but still lovely) danced with us at our wedding in 2015.

We moved to our beautiful farm and have 3 children, with hopefully more to come. Our family raises beautiful affectionate collie dogs once again. They are the perfect companions for our active lifestyle and our young sons. We enjoy training them agility and obedience, and working with them on our small farm. Most of all we enjoy what fantastic helpers and family companions they are as our small family continues to grow bigger.
Want to see more of Holbrook event history? Watch this slideshow.
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