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Welcome to what collie-book writer Terhune famously described as "swirl of exultant collies."

Our collies are our constant companions and best friends.  They are the historic old-style collie that the storybooks tell of.   They are faithful and eager to serve with an intelligent and gentle nature.  They enjoy working on our ranch watching the children, keeping the animals safe, training in agility and rally obedience, accompanying us on trailrides, hikes, and city adventures too.  Unlike many working and herding breeds, they are calm by nature and are content to take a nap when not working.  They have a laid back attitude and are very attuned to their families' needs.  They are ideal for the family, farm, therapy, or service work.  They have low-maintenance coats.  Our dogs weigh 35-60 lbs and have soft, biddable temperaments.  If you want a loving, low-maintenance companion with high intelligence and gorgeous good looks an old-style Collie is for you.  We do genetic screening on all of of our dogs as well.  Our dogs are registered with the Old-Time Scotch Collie Association (OTSCA).


Click here to see available puppies & breeding plans!




I'm sold on all your puppies. I wouldn't take a free puppy, if it didn't come from you, Matthias, or Tristan. Y'all do a fantastic job of raising puppies and I trust you. Oh and don't forget your husband. Your whole family makes a great team of raising and training puppies. - Debby in SC


Butterscotch Farm Betsy Ross Holbrook

Betsy came to join us from my friend Sarah's farm in Maine!  She is super sweet, adores children, and has plenty of working instinct too!  She watches for hawks, and absolutely is the best trailriding and hiking buddy!

Click here for pedigree

Burnett's Beatrix Holbrook

We are super excited to bring Beatrix's rare west coat genetics back east!  As a bonus she also has the Chesney bloodline too! She is turning out to be everything a scotch collie should be! Calm, thoughtful, biddable, and sweet as could be. 

Click here for pedigree

Holbrook's Vincent

Vincent is an elegant boy with a gentle sweet and soft personality.  He loves to play and go for walks and rides with us.

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